Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving with the McShanes

So this year for Thanksgiving, James' siblings and his aunt came down to celebrate with us in our humble apartment. Knowing that none of our family would be around for the holidays, I decorated early for Christmas:

this is my blue deer head. I got the pattern from Dorm Decor, and it was worth the money for the book and the shipping. It has a handful of really cool ideas and a bunch of patterns. The wreath is Dollar tree fake evergreens and Michael's ribbon. I'm all about plaid this year.
 Mason jars from our wedding filled with fake greens and bulb ornaments from the dollar tree. The picture is of my Grandpa and his two siblings in front of an evergreen, which I thought was seasonally appropriate.
 This is a wreath that i change out depending on the season. Fake bird and greens courtesy of the Dollar Tree, the ribbons are from Michaels, and the pinecones are from Aunt Martee's backyard.
This is just something weird I came up with. 
This is the what is currently hanging over the entryway to our hallway.

I did have one bit of thanksgiving decor that James helped me make. I got the dishtowel from Ikea and the paints are normal fabric paints.
Anyway, thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I baked my first pumpkin pie, James and I cooked our first turkey, we all played cards and other games, and watched football. A traditional thanksgiving was had by all.
Here's the whole T-givs gang.Sarah, Martee, Mary-Kate in the front, Kevin, Lady, James and Ally in the back. (from left to right...)

1 comment:

  1. Bart and I really appreciate the dinos of love. We scrolled down the page and said in unison, "that's Ally!"
    The deer head is something to be desired by all. nothing says merry Christmas like it! Can't wait to see what else you do!
