Monday, November 26, 2012

You never get a second chance to make a first entry!

Hello friends and bitter rivals. My name is Ally, my husband's name is James, our dog's name is Lady, and this is our blog, which is designed to be the paparazzi we can't get to follow us around, on account of us not being celebs.

One of the main purposes of this blog is to keep the following types of humans updated on our well-being:
1. People who like us
2. People who love us
3. People who neither like NOR love us
4. People who are actively trying to destroy the very fibers of our well-being
5. People who wandered over to this blog on accident (hello! welcome!)

The other reason I started this blog is to have a place to show what kind of D.I.Y. projects I'm working on. Be prepared to have your mind blown, people (helmets are advised).

Alright, that seems like enough of an explanation. Please feel free to comment on any of the entries. You don't even have to be nice if you don't want to. I'll totally understand.

Ally Mac


  1. Oh my gosh! You have a blog! I am pretty sure that this qualifies as a one of the best days of my life. I am so excited. Every time you post a DIY, can I try and one-up you? Just curious....I read this entry to Bart and he said, and I quote, "You know, Ally, it's not that big of a stretch to go from McShane to McFly if you and James ever have a desire to change your name." 'Yes. Yes. I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density. I mean, your destiny.'
    Bart then said if you guys don't take it, he plans to change our last name to McFly at the earliest opportunity--Barty McFly...great....give me strength...

  2. I have decided never to try to one-up you. After seeing the latest entries I have decided it is impossible. And there you have it. I will never blog. Ever.

    1. Haha. Well I'm glad our friendship will remain non-competitive. I would hate to have to fight you to the bitter end.
