Thursday, August 13, 2015

There's No Business Like Show Business!

Wow, there is no business like show business! And while this title is totally a true statement, it has absolutely nothing to do with what this blog entry is about. It's been over a year, so there's really no appropriate way to label this. Obviously I can't just sit here for days trying to fill you in on all the new recipes I've tried/ made up and all the crafty things I've done. It's over! It's lost! If you're seriously concerned, follow me on instagram, I'm way more faithful there. I will include a couple pics in here somewhere so that this isn't a total wash for those of you who only love me for my use of felt, but there's no way to truly make up for lost time.

Alright, so we moved into our house about a year and 2 months ago. Important things that have happened in regard to our house: We refinished the upstairs hardwood floors, we insulated our attic, we put up a fence that we got for free from friends, we got a new water heater, we built gardens, and we painted a bunch of the rooms. Some things we would still like to do that maybe I'll blog about but who knows, I'm super inconsistent: Carpeting the basement, painting more bits of the house/ finishing some rooms, creating storage shelving in the garage and basement, planting more rhubarb.

In our personal lives, my parents have a continued their fight with various cancers. If you want to follow their progress and/or pray for them, look for them on Caring Bridge under Trish Pozarski and Ron Pozarski. They are both better and more consistent writers than I am in addition to also being much much better looking.

My friend Mary lived with us for the last four and a half months or so, which was super fun. We were her summer layover in between Istanbul and Washington DC. She and I took a road trip out to DC where she scouted out her future and together we immersed ourselves in American history. We saw this tour guide we remembered from seven years prior and creeped him out by remembering lots of personal details about him. Sorry Louis Butler of Arlington House, but daaaaaahyummmm do you give a good tour of Robert E. Lee's former residence! We're only human! Mary also made lots of yummy Mediterranean foods and kept me company during the worst of my morning sickness. 

Here's Lady and Sansa. They're both fine. Nothing is new with them, which is probably for the best, actually. I mean, they're dogs and they've already been spayed. Anything new for them at this point is potentially expensive and/or painful. We have a statue of JFK's head that Sansa is  terrified of. I guess that's kinda news?

James and I have passed the three year mark. It feels like we haven't been married that long, but then I think back to our year in Bloomington, IN or even to our apartment in Minnesota, and I realize, yeah, that's about right.

I made this wreath. The felt flowers took several days. I made them while my mom made my wedding album (Her wedding album of my wedding. I'm not making my mom make me stuff. I'm not a monster!). I actually ended up adding more flowers after I took this picture. The wreath is behind James and I in our three year pic, so if you're really curious, enjoy a nice relaxing zoom. I made it after Valentine's day and it'll be up until I made a fall wreath.

I made this out of burlap. I painted the burlap in stripes and then added the happy little bunnies and their yarn pom pom tails. They were later sewn together with a lovely bias tape and strung across the fireplace. I left it up several weeks past Easter because it took a decent amount of work and because bunnies are cute.

Alright, James informs me that it's time to go to Chipotle. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. This is so much fun to read, Alicia! I love it and love you both. How did you get so talented - man! I am totally craft impaired and my handiwork is a disaster. Maybe some of your skill can rub off on me!
