Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weird stuff I can't stop loving

Hi friends! How are you? Lady and I just got back from babysitting my friend Karri's kids. They loved Lady, she loved them, I liked them, too, which I think they were much less concerned about, but that's cool, I get it. I'm not furry and cute and tiny, nor is my nose wet. Whatever.

Anyway, I got home today and I got on my computer to play some hearts (I've changed the names so I'm playing Wolverine, Willy Wonka, and Wooly Willy. What?!) and to go on Pinterest, and I'm sure this happens to many a youth, but isn't it so distracting how many more things there are in the world to want now that the internet is all over the place? yowza. The song "I can't stop loving you" by Phil Collins plays over and over in your head while you obsess over random objects you didn't know you needed until just then. Sigh. So let's talk about this, because it's on my mind, and I want to.
Ladies and gents, this is a wine bottle carrier that attaches to your bike. Don't drink and drive doesn't apply, I guess. Seriously. When would I have thought about needing this? But now I know about it, and it's so cool! Here is where it's found online. Let's move on.
Ok, so this has quite literally been my dream since 2nd grade. We wrote a report about where we thought we'd be when we were 100, and I said I'd live in a cheeseburger and play checkers with my dog. Let's ignore my obvious psychological problems even as a wee babe and dive right into the merchandising side of things. I found out about The Hamburger Bed when I was a sophomore in college and I was in love. It was everything I'd ever wanted in life. I was obsessed. Ok, so nothing has changed, that is still my life. You can buy them here and I want one so bad. So bad it hurts. Moving on.
 So this is a sleeping bag you can wear. It has arm holes and it starts unzipping at the bottom and it's has a hood. This is amazing. I would no longer have to potato-sack-it-up everytime I wanted to get from point A to point B whilst camping. Here's where you can find it online and buy it for my birthday (April 2). Let's see some more awesome uses for this product:
 Oh hey, I want to keep heating costs down in my frigidly-located apartment. BAM. Sleeping bag that you wear. Done.
Oh hey, I'm just a bro sleeping in a field, which I can do because I'm wearing my sleeping bag. This guy is my hero. I mean, after Jesus, my parents, Alice Paul, Tina Fey, and the guy who invented cup holders. Ok, let's move on.
I have no idea where this is from, but it is just the best. I want it. Someone go build it for me, please. I'll sit in it in my sleeping bag thing. I'll drink my bicycle wine and stare at my hamburger bed while resting my head on a pickle-shaped pillow.. In other words, I'll live the good life. Moving on.
Guys, this is an outdoor, HUGE bed thing that hangs off large beams. Ok, obviously, I included a picture. But here's another one so you can see how many people can really fit on here:
Yeah, it's huge. You can find them here and I feel like maybe I want this, too. See?! This was not a problem when we didn't have the internet! I was blissfully unaware of how much less cool my life was. It was a better, simpler time. Sigh. Ok, one more.
Ok, this is actually from one of my favorite nerd sites for the purchasing of nerdy things. is the best for all things nerdy. And I mean, come on, this is a hub and thumb drive set dressed up like breakfast food. What's not to like? Here is the website where it's found. So cute.

So now maybe I'm just as obsessed with random stuff I want to buy online, but admitting it is the first step, right? Ha. I will not rest until I can rest on my Hamburger Bed! Except right now, because it's time for bed. Good night all. Remember, the rule "nothing good happens after 2 am" starts at midnight for online shopping.

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