Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ice Globe

Hi friends. So the other day, I went to my parent's house and I saw this:
Yeah, this is a terrible picture. Let's go in for some close ups.
My dad made ice globes that led up to the house. The neighborhood's Progressive Dinner was that night, so they lit these babies all the way up the walk.
Here's an areal view.
And cheers Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus! who Lady is afraid of/thinks is trying to harm her. That's right, one of our dogs barked at baby Jesus and his virgin mother. What a sinner. Anyways...
I asked my dad how to make these beautiful lawn decorations, and it was simple, so I did it myself so I could show all of you.
First,blow up a balloon really big.
By the way, for most of the day, I was wearing my Napsack.
Ok, so once you've blown up your balloon, it should be nice and stretched out. Fill it with water, at least the size of a cantaloupe, then stick it outside to freeze (or in your freezer if you're not from the frozen north) format least 8 hours. I did mine for ten, but it was sitting in our porch in an old chair and the bottom didn't freeze all the way, so make sure that you put it on something cold.
Here's me holding the frozen balloon.
So, I should have just put it outside, but I was worried about the dogs disturbing it, so I put it on the porch, and worse yet, on a chair, which, as I mentioned, means it made a nice bowl rather than a globe, but I'll give you the instructions for a globe all the same.
Get a drill, pit your ice globe on a towel (we didn't do this because this pic is a fraud) and drill holes on opposite sides, like the north and south poles. Holding hue globe securely with mittens or a towel or whatever, turn your faucet to hot and, turning the globe at angles, let the water go through the top hole without melting much, but carefully expand the bottom hole. That's the hole you'll set on the snow, and it just has to be big enough to fit a candle.
Here's what ours looked like. It's a nice bowl, so it's not quite as cool. But I still like it.
Here's the top view. I hope some of you try this, it's very pretty.

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