Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Apartment, New Puppy, New Obsession

Hi friends. It's been an unbearably long time, and I do apologize. So, let's update you on the goings-on of the McShane clan.

First things first, we moved into our new apartment in July. It was madness. It's still kinda madness, but the painters are finally coming next week and then I'll finally be able to finish up all the unpacking. It's amazing how much that's affected things. Anyway, here's a quick look at us setting up our main room, and I'll show a pic of how it all turned out in the end when the painters are done.

So, it's set up kinda like this now, but with a larger table and less debris. And James is probably still on the computer, but as you probably noticed, he does move around a bit.

So yeah, love the new apartment. Onto smaller and smellier things! We got another wee pup!
Her name is Sansa, and she has the same dad as Lady. They're the same breed, but their coloration is different (obviously). This is a picture of her taking a bath. Much like Lady, she is quite sad in the bath.
Here she is asleep on my leg at the vet. She's much more dog-like than Lady. Lady is a small, fur-covered child/human who just looks like a dog. Sansa is definitely a dog. Lady has no idea how to handle it.
See? totally freaked out. haha. Lady remains ever a weirdo, like owner, like dog, I guess.
Here's them sitting together normally on the couch/loveseat dealy. They actually get along quite well. I mean, of course Lady is shocked and alarmed whenever Sansa does something dog-like, and yes, Sansa is also a little bit of a bully, but we're working with her and it's getting better. Sansa is a biter, so that's a fun thing to learn to train her out of. She also has the world's tiniest bladder, so even though I let her out every hour and a half or so during the day, she usually still smells strongly of urine and regret. It's a real treat. But she's a really nice pup so enduring the smell is a cross I can easily bear.

New topic! I just got the ap called "Snapchat" on my ipad. It's so fun! It comes on non-apple products, too, so that's really fun. You send people you're friends with pics, but they only last for about 10 seconds. So you can send hair ideas or weird faces or whatever you want, but the pics don't save to your hard drive unless you save them on purpose, so it feels more carefree. Plus it's fun. Here are some examples of that kind of fun I'm talking about:

I'm a weird snap-chatter, but it's fun, and I love it, so...that's nice. my screen name is "liciemac" if you want to snapchat with me.

Ok, so here's a pic of the four of us:
Yay. Home and happy. Ok, well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'm going to try to get back to blogging more regularly, so...that's fun...

Alright, bye.

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