Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Peanut Butter Popcorn

Hi friends. You know what I like to have during the holidays? Popcorn. Popcorn tins, fresh popcorn, kettle corn, and my new favorite kind: peanut butter popcorn!
Here's a step by step guide to making this delicious snack food.
First, you must know and appreciate my beautiful friend Anne, queen of popcorn, home-made frosting, and all things gourmet. She came over to my house and taught me how to make this yummy treat.
First, make some popcorn. Use white kernels if you have them. I forgot and used yellow. It won't ruin the flavor, but white kernels are better. I forget why. I'm sure it's a fine and noble reason.
Ok, so you make the popcorn, put it in a big mixing bowl and set it aside. Easy enough.
Make sure you have these three ingredients: sugar, peanut butter, and corn syrup. I chose light corn syrup and natural peanut butter because this is not a healthy snack by any stretch of the imagination, and I wanted to lessen the damage.

Put a half cup of corn syrup in a small pot on the stove, heated to medium low.
Add a half cup of sugar. Stir continually.
When it looks like this, it's time to add the peanut butter.
Add a half cup of peanut butter.
Stir and remove from heat.
Ugh, the lighting over my counters is so dismal. Please forgive. Ok! So pour the mixture over the popcorn as your stir it in. Stir with some swiftness so you cover all your popcorn before the mixture cools too much. 
You can let it cool or eat it right away. Yum!

Thanks Anne! Best popcorn ever!

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