Thursday, January 16, 2014

Smoothie Is A Funny Word

Hi friends. Well, I've been vegan for around 2 1/2 weeks, and I've found that smoothies truly make everything easier. I have one pretty much everyday. 
I make fairly simple smoothies. Here's what I do. Buy both fresh and frozen fruits, a juice that's actual fruit juices and not sugar/concentrate. V8 fusion isn't perfect, but I really like it, so I use it. Don't use V8 splash, that's just sugar. Ok, anyway, I also add spinach because it's amazing for you. Bananas are a good fruit to get fresh, and I usually use frozen strawberries, because it's usually cheaper to buy berries frozen. The blackberries are fresh because I got them on sale at Costco.
Here's another I did. Fresh and frozen mangos with a banana, strawberries, and spinach. So basically just pick fruits you like and go to town. Some people use almond milk instead of juice, but it don't like the almond milk flavor, I feel like it takes away from the fruit flavor, but if that's your game, by all means, go right ahead. Also, if you eat animal bi-products, might I suggest chobani yogurt in your smoothie? Good source of protein and a good fruit flavor.

Other exciting news: I recently joined Pottermore and found out I'm a Hufflepuff. At first I was kind of bummed, but after reading what J.K. Rowling feels about Hufflepuff, I'm pretty excited. Go team.

Ok, that's about it for me. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I came across your blog through a post on Pinterest. I'm also a McShane and have been vegan for about 4 years. Small world... :)
