Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Hi friends. So last Friday I was walking to work and I smelt some crazy smells. Yes, that's right, this blog post is actually about smelling things. Ok, so first I'm walking around, looking at houses that I think look nice, minding my own sweet business and all of a sudden, I smell something.
 This is what I look like when I'm smelling things. Anyway, all of a sudden, in the middle of a residential neighborhood, it smells just like this shipping area I used to bike through on my way to the trucking company I worked for some time back in 2007. Now, that place smells like tons of cardboard because they're shipping things all over the place, so of course there's a plethora of cardboard. So anyhow, this smell lasts for about 2 blocks and then it's gone. So that was weird. I mean, it's not like there should be tons-o-cardboard there. But oh well, it's gone.

But then, in another 3 or so blocks, it starts smelling like older lady perfume from the early 1990s, which also makes no sense at all, because of course the area I was walking couldn't be that full of older ladies of the early 1990s without me seeing them all grouped around together. And of course I know this particular smell from being around in the early 1990s and from my constant thrift store shopping. And that's what gets me thinking this next thought: Why do all thrift stores smell like that? Let's take this to a new paragraph.

Why do all thrift stores have that same smell? Is that the smell of all thrift stores' soaps and employees, or is that thriftish smell the culmination of all human smells. I mean, sometimes you get something with a specific perfume or odor, but usually, it's just that one kinda "oh, someone's worn this, I should wash it before I do, or at least tell people I did" smell. It's just interesting to me that EVERY thrift store seems to smell the same way. I can only assume that that's what people as a whole smell like if we all put our smells into a big pot and just stirred it around a little.

Ok, that's really all I wanted to talk about. Bye!

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