Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick Days

Ok, so I'm at home sick, and no one is surprised because I work at a daycare, so I get sick all the time. Usually I fight through it, or better yet, the colds, etc,  happen on the weekend so I am good to go come Monday, but this one hit me like a ton of bricks on Monday night and by Tuesday night I knew I there was no way I'd get through another day at work. To make matters worse, a lot of staff have been out sick lately, so I'm basically making life that much more stressful for the woman at work who schedules our shifts. Yuck.

So yesterday I spent the whole day lying on our couch watching Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables the Sequel whilst blowing my nose, taking a delectable variety of cold medication and eating all the fruit in our house. I also drank a ton of tea, so thanks, Mags, for the wreath-o-tea. (As seen in this blog entry towards the end) My head is pounding, my sinuses are more congested than downtown Boston, and i have a Kleenex stuffed up my nose so I don't have to blow my nose as often. The entire time, I'm thinking, how many more colds/illnesses do I have to endure before my immune system gets itself together?

So now it's today and I had to be out of my apartment for an hour  in the morning because they wanted to show it to someone who wants to maybe rent it (resisted the urge to write "you get what you pay for" on the chalkboard I have in the living room and instead used it to apologize for being messy). I spent that hour dropping James off at school, getting some more fruits/veggies at Sam's Club, and then aimlessly walking through Old Navy because I had $20 off there. Don't worry, I got a tin bank that looks like R2D2, It's all good.

The rest of the day was just a blur, a stuffy in the head blur. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I spent some time on Pinterest, but besides that and making banana-blueberry muffins, I have no idea how I spent my entire afternoon. I think I sat playing with Lady for a good 45 minutes, but I have no idea the actual time frame. Alright, that's random thoughts on being sick and how it makes your mind feel all kinds of spacey. Here's a picture of our dog to make all that reading worth your while:
"Oh good. Another picture of your dog! Thanks Al." Yeah, well, it's all I've got. Sorry.
I hope this finds you all in good health. I hope you find me in good health again, too.


  1. You see, it's times like this thati feel very strongly that we should be next door neighbors. Then you could join Ing and I in our salute to the couch....

  2. Sleep Lish that's what most of us do in times of sickness. Oh and the cold meds are responsible for the brain fog. Really poor crackheads take too much pseudophed to hallucinate aka "skittle" True.Story.
