Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl XLVII

Wow, so that was a crazy Super Bowl. Since the Ravens and the 49ers are my 3rd and 4th teams, I was super excited for the game. I made shirts for James and myself, the theme being the sibling rivalry between head coaches John and Jim Harbaugh:
 Mine has all the glitter and some pink, whereas James' is more manly.
 Here's the back of James' shirt. Mine is similar, but the larger words are written in glitter and the football is pink.
 It only says this on my sleeve, because I cheered for the Ravens, whereas James didn't really care either way.
 This was 1/2 off because there's a puncture in the frosting. It's a cupcake cake, and since the Super Bowl is in New Orleans this year, we figured it was perfect!
Here's most of the people I watched the Super Bowl with. Some are hiding out of sight/ in the kitchen/ just out of frame. Ling (blue plaid shirt) and I were the only ones cheering for the Ravens, so she and I are the true winners at this party.

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