Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Every time I write out the year I think to myself "Ha! The world didn't end!". True story. Anyway, so today is Valentine's Day, a day which I have always loved. Other than last year (when I was engaged to James) I don't think I've ever "had a date" on Valentine's Day (except maybe once in high school), but I've always loved seeing hearts everywhere and wearing lots of pink and red together. It's Valentine's day, people, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. Yes, tomorrow I'll wear them in seperate outfits, but tonight, tonight I DANCE. Except now I work at a preschool/day care, so I've been mixing them all week. You know, for the children.
 Anyway, I got my Valentine's Day present early. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday (thus the mark on my forehead) AND it was James' BIRTHDAY!!! We celebrated a day early with steak and presents. On his actual birthday, we feasted fasted had fish sticks. yum.
 This is a crafty-craft that I did. wooden blocks and wooden letters, blue paint and dark stain. It looks better in person, trust me. Supes cute.
 Do you notice anything different about our dog? Besides her little bows? Of course not! You cannot smell her all the way from the internet! But if you could, it would no longer activate your gag reflex. She is a bathed and beautiful dog once again. (I mean, she was always cute, but she was SO STINKY).
 Alright, I was trying to make fancy cookies for James for Valentine's Day, but of course they didn't turn out like they do on pinterest, so I tried to make them at least look like roses or something. I did the whole thing with 3 different sizes of cookie cutters and you frost and stack, but it didn't look like a mini wedding cake at all.
 This was my sad attempt at trying to stack 2 of each size together to make it look more cake-like. Nope. Just a big pile of cookie mess. Oh well.
 So here's my Valentines this year. A giant pink, heart-shaped floor pillow, James, Lady, and the giant pink bear. So many people mock the stuffed animal-giving-ness of V-Day, but I just think that's sad. Do you not like soft, squishy things? Do you not like incredibly cute things? That is sad. I personally find lots of joy in such things, plus, Having giant stuffed animals around when you have very small kids is awesome. Kids love them.

Ok, well, other then the sad cookies (that still taste good, btw), we had a pretty good day. I packed a picnic lunch of some of James' fave foods and we went to a park and sat on a flannel blanket and hung out for a little while until he had to go back to studying. And tonight we're going out to dinner. In fact, I should get ready to go soon. Ha. Ok, bye friends! I hope you tell everyone you love how much they mean to you today!

Update: We had to wait a couple minutes before we got a table when we were out to eat, and there was this hilarious woman working as one of the servers. She's dancing around, telling funny stories, keeping her fellow workers in a good mood despite how busy and hectic things are. So when she calls our name, James tells her how much we enjoyed her entertainment. She laughs and then walks us through the restaurant saying loudly ( i mean, it was a loud place, so this was fine) "Excuse me! Honored guests coming through! Honored guests! Excuse us please!" so she was the best.


  1. I LOVE you! I'm going to forward you an email. Look for it. Your elmo drawing caused me to laugh out loud 3 times. :D

    and when you wrote something about righteous fury. i haven't used that in a while, because the people around me would just run for cover or be like bruised roses afterward. after reading this post, however, i know that if I raced towards you in blind rage, you would just hold up a stuffed animal. and i would bounce off.

  2. The overhead view of cookies was most certainly that of an abstract rose I totally see it. Some of us can't have giant stuffed things because said stuffed things carry dust mites and similar allergens. So, thank you for making us feel further debilitated by our diseases, as if there aren't enough things we cannot enjoy. Down pillows and such.
