Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Kitchen

Hi friends. Sorry it's been such a while since I've written, I've been packing. It's official, James and I are moving back to MN early this May. So yesterday I packed 2 bins and today I packed 2 bags and 4 boxes. It's been a weird rush. Anyway, since we're leaving this apartment soon, I'd like to share some of my favorite things in the kitchen. Here we go.
 This is a collage-type-frame that I bought on Black Friday for $8. Nothing says "wedding day bliss" like finding a frame on sale at Target. By the way, if you click on the pictures on this blog, they'll show up larger for you, just fyi.
 We bought metal shelves from either Menards or Target when we moved in because our kitchen looks big, but actually, there's really not a lot of storage space at all once you put your dishes away, so we had to find a food storage solution. Anyway, this is not a stylish shelf, but I did put tiles down(so you could stack spices on it without them falling through) and used boxes and packaging in fun ways, so I am proud of it's usefulness.
 This is a random piece of decorative at from Target, and two whiteboard-type surfaces I've created. One is a calendar that I made by painting a frame and using scrapbook paper (which is falling down inside the frame right now, but we're moving soon, so I'll fix it in MN), and the other is a piece of scrapbook paper laminated against a piece of cardboard (The one with the picture of James as a wee babe). Anyway, both are handy.
 The dinos rejoice in springtime,
their song is loud and clear,
for daisies come at springtime,
and so does summer's beer.
Man, I love Summer Shandy. Apparently so do the dinos.
 This is my kitchen window. It's rather cluttered with gadgets and flowers, but I don't care. That's also my chia pet there. It's dead. I'll blog about that tragedy later.
 Here's our fridge. See if you can find yourself! Hint, unless you sent us mail, you're probs not on here. But here are some fun things that are: Aaron Rogers, Kindergarten James, 5 postcards from Anna (all MN related, none of them are the Spam ones), and a magnet about all the known confederate battle flags (Note: I just really like learning about the civil war. We are not confederates).
Here's a metal M with pics of our siblings. It's supposed to be senior pics, but we still have to find/make one for MK,'s just pics for now.

Ok, so that's my kitchen. Everyone please pray that we can get a great apartment in MN, ok? Alright, great, thanks. Take care!

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