Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Autumnal Decor

Hi friends. So, I love decorating for different seasons, and since we're smack dab in the middle of Autumn, I thought I should show you some of the fall decorations I have up.
First of all, here's my couch. The yellow pillows I use for spring, summer, and fall, because yellow is so versatile. The quilt I made myself recently. I've only made four quilts, but each one has been an improvement. Here's a couple close up shots of the quilt:
Much to my family's surprise, i finished the quilt in one sitting. Usually I start a quilt and leave it laying around for ages before I get back to it. Not so for this quilt.
This is a little wreath I made years and years ago with a few friends at "Autumnal Fest". I hang mine up somewhere every fall.
This is the candle jar iron pumpkin scene I have going on on top of a bookshelf in the center of our living space. I got the wrought-iron pumpkin from a Goodwill in Bloomington, IN last spring and have been excited to use it ever since. The blue jars are from our wedding and have yellow leaves from the ground outside our back door in them, the orange metal lanterns I bought as I was buying others just like it for my friend Rachel's wedding, and the black lanterns are from our wedding. So basically, a lot of it is reuseables, which is pretty exciting. I use the blue jars in almost every season.
The flowers on the long shelves behind the dining room table are autumnaly. That, of course, isn't really a word, and the blue flowers are actually pretty summery, but I added a I feel like that makes them creepy, and creepy is Halloweeny, and Halloween is in the fall, so it all works out.
The other crow is amongst the daisies that live in this pitcher next to a cow picture I made when I was three. Notice how I made the spots in nice neat rows. Typical Alicia.

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