Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wedding Date Wall Art

Hi friends and bitter rivals. So, today I made some nice wall art only using stuff I already had lying around the house. Please either enjoy or deeply regret reading all about today's D.I.Y. Project.
This is the project completed, but not hung up. The frame was free, my mom got it from some lady from work who got it from Ikea but then decided she didn't want it. It already had the matting for the three 5x7 pictures, so I worked with the design.
First I found the pile of unused Save the Dates from when James and I got married. I cut off the photo-strips from a dozen or so cards. We made the cards by taking pictures on James' computer and then lining them up on Microsoft office. Super easy to duplicate. Anyway, I cut them off the cards, and then cut several in half and in thirds so I could mix tile them all mixed up together, like this:
I just stuck them onto the paper that came with the frame with a glue stick. Then I traced the numbers that represent our wedding date out on some pretty paper. I used the same stencils I used on my quote pillows. 
Then, of course, you cut out the numbers. I used a kitchen scissors, which was a risk, but it worked out just fine. Then you glus the numbers onto the picture collage, put it in your frame,and call it a day.
Here's the project before I framed it.
Obviously I need to re-arrang or fill it in a little, but I think it's pretty good. 

Oh, and I finished my second quote pillow. It ended up turning out like this:
Well, that's all for today. Bye!

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