Thursday, December 13, 2012

On the Eighth day of Christmas

Well, I'm still quite sick, but I feel like I should keep going with this theme I've started. OK, on the 8th day of Christmas, I bought my dog (yes, another post about Lady...sorry) 8 socks and booties to try to keep my mom's floor clean.
So, this Christmas we're going up and staying with my parents for about a week and a half and we're bringing our dog. But here's the thing, at home, we don't care if she has wet paws because there's a fleece blanket on the couch to protect it and we have "rental carpet", so it doesn't really affect us. However, my parents' house is tiled for a good portion of the main floor and they have nice furniture that they probably don't want covered in fleece blankets for the better part of two weeks.

So, because I love my parents and don't want to spend Christmas cleaning their floors all day long,  I made this plan: The booties are for when she goes out and it's wet (or snowy...yay!) and the socks are for when we've forgotten about the booties and her paws are wet. Unfortunately, Lady, like all sane dogs, doesn't like wearing them.

She walks like a freak-show in the booties. It's painfully awkward. So we're working on getting her to feel normal and ok in them, but ever since I got sick, I've been slacking, and quite frankly, I don't blame James for not putting her booties on, I'm an idiot for buying them in baby-pink. I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway, once I start feeling better we'll start trying to train her to wear them again.
This is her with her socks on and attached with mitten clips. She walks a little weird, but she seemed to actually like it. She was tail wagging the whole time. However, I feel weird doing this to her all the time, so hopefully this doesn't need to be an every-time-she-has-to-pee thing.

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