Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pink Eye

You heard it here first, friends (or second, if you're on twitter), I have pink eye. In both eyes. So the good news is I have plenty of time before I go back to work to heal up my eyeballs, but the bad news is last night I slept with gauze over both eyes just so the drippy aspect of the eyes didn't bother me. Yeah, SUPER GROSS. So I might not update the blog for a couple days because I'm stuck in my old room at my parent's house trying not to get anyone else sick. It's eye drops and tea for me (because I also have a very sore throat, but thanks to Urgent Care, I know it's not strep).

Fun story: When I was a kid I used to "practice being blind", you know, just in case. I'd walk around the entire house with my eyes squeezed shut and I'd do everyday activities like brushing my teeth or drinking water, or going to the bathroom, just to make sure if I ever went blind I'd still be ok. Well, this morning I could not see anything (both eyes fused shut with "eye boogers" ewwwww) except light and dark (just like in Jane Eyre, I was so sympathetic to Mr Rochester!), and I said outloud to myself "Alright Al-pal! (Al-pal is what I call myself), This is what we've been training for!". And you know what? I OWNED at walking around with my eyes fused shut. So thank you, past self. And good thinking!


  1. amen! you're like a boyscout, so prepared. I practiced too! I remember continuing to practice in college walking to class (but I really wished for a cane at that point). I always resolved that the biggest changes I would need if I went blind would be to keep everything always in its place so I didn't constantly trip, and that would need to count a lot more. because I am sorely unaware of how many steps it takes to get to the bathroom. I have tried practicing deafness, but it's harder to experience. I always say to myself, "grandma! if it happens, we'll cross that road when we come to it."

    1. I'm so glad we have distinct names that we call ourselves.
